XXX Congreso Internacional de Técnicos y Educadores de natación

La Asociación Colombiana de Técnicos y Educadores de natación  ”Acolten” tiene el gusto de invitarlos a nuestra CONVENCIÓN ANUAL SOBRE NATACIÓN Y CIENCIAS APLICADAS  AL DEPORTE, a realizarse en el centro de convenciones Melgar CAFAM del 20 al 23 de septiembre del 2012. Por favor tenga en cuenta lo siguiente:

  1. Quedan solo dos fechas para el pago del congreso  17 de agosto y 3 de septiembre, y por favor genere el pago, dependiendo si es afiliado o no. se asume como afiliado al profesional que asistió al congreso de ACOLTEN en Bogotá en el 2011.
  2. El congreso se va a realizar en el centro de convenciones de CAFAM Melgar, el alojamiento sera en las casas vacacionales, si desea llevar su familia, por cada persona debe pagar por alojamiento $ 45.000, no incluye alimentación. si desea alojarse en el hotel almirante como participante del congreso, debe pagar $ 90.000 adicionales. La alimentación  sera en el restaurante helechos. Salon bambu, sera el salon de conferencias.
  3. CAFAM nos exige 15 días antes del inicio del evento una confirmación oficial con el numero de personas por cuestión de logística y en este caso tenemos cupo para 150 personas.
  4. No pierda esta gran ocasión de seguir creciendo en este hermoso y mas grande deporte que es la natación.
Adicional, tenemos,
  • elección de junta directiva,
  • cena de gala (por favor traer traje para la ocasión).
  • primera muestra artística de nuestros profesionales ( la invitación es a los profesores y entrenadores que pinten, escriban poemas, etc, a que presenten sus trabajos en un espacio especial para la ocasión).
  • Con motivo de un material escrito y de cds , sobre natación mundial entregado a ACOLTEN por el Dr. Javier Lopez presidente de la CONSANT,tendremos un stand especial para su presentación.

algunas recomendaciones,

  • el congreso inicia el jueves 20 a las 2 p.m. y termina el domingo 23 a las 2 p.m.
  • los compañeros que viajan en avión por favor aprovechar las diferentes ofertas, viajando bien temprano y regresando el domingo en las horas de la tarde-noche.
  • sin excepción los diplomas y demás material se entregara en la clausura programada para la 1 p.m.

finalmente recuerden que es nuestro congreso de natación, y los únicos profesionales de latinoamerica en reunirse 30 anos ininterumpidamente

OBJETIVO: Continuar en Colombia una orientación formal y ofrecer a los asistentes las más modernas herramientas prácticas para aplicar en su trabajo diario, las que les permitirán garantizar un verdadero proceso deportivo a largo, mediano y corto plazo.

Invitamos a todas las personas interesadas en éste hermoso deporte, como también a estudiantes de educación física, monitores, instructores, profesores, entrenadores principiantes y entrenadores consagrados de natación y todo aquel que quiera ampliar conocimientos en este grandioso deporte etc.

PARTICIPACIÓN: Invitamos a participar a los  profesionales de Centroamérica, Sudamérica, Colombia y del mundo en general.



Frédéric Vergnoux

CNS C/1 Budapest

08206 Sabadell

Spain Tel +34616892488


‘Altiusibunt qui as summa nituntur’


1995 State Diploma.Coaching swimming activities. Ministry of Sports

1997 Bachelor of Sciences, Physical Education.Staps Grenoble

1999 Master of  Sciences, Physiology. Medical University Paris X

2000 DU Nutrition. Medical University Paris X

Professional Experience

1997–‐2000 Racing Club de France/Age group Coach +Elite Ass.Coach

2000–‐2002 Highlanders Aquatics / Peak Performance, Orlando USA

2002–‐2004 CS Clichy 92 / Head Coach. 2004 Olympic Coach

2004–‐2008 City of Edinburgh Swimming / Head Coach Great Britain Men’s Olympic Head Coach

2008–‐2010 LPR Paris / Head Coach. French National Team Coach

2010 CN Sabadell / Head Coach. Spanish National Team Coach


Swam at national level (butterfly), won French Team University championships in 1996


English, Italian, Spanish, Russian

Married to 4 times Olympian swimmer AlenaPopchanka.

Father of a daughter born in 2009


– 2004 and 2008 Olympic Coach. Beijing Olympic Head Coach

Coach at the 2003 – 2004 – 2005   2007 – 2008  2009 – 2010 – 2011 worldchampionships

2003 Belarus coach of theyear

2006 and 2007 Great Britain coach of the Year – 2006 and 2007 Scottish coach of the Year


1 World record

5 European records

3 Commonwealth records

9 South American records

179 Individual National Records (Belarus, France, Great Britain, South Africa, Scotland, Brazil, Tunisia, Spain)

1 Olympic medal (relay) 8 World Medals 29 European Medals

Speaker at the BSCTA (2006) and at the AETN  (2010 and 2011)

Coach of:

Olympic champion

Darian Townsend

World champion

Alena Popchanka

Kris Gilchrist

Mireia Belmonte

European Champion

Kirsty Balfour


World Junior Champion

Judit Ignacio

World Junior medalist


John Atkinson

June 2012

John Atkinson, has worked for British Swimming since February 2001; he is now in his 12th year working for the British Swimming World Class Programmes and his 26th year in Performance Swimming.

John was team leader for the English swimming team at the 2010 Commonwealth Games to New Delhi, India, at which England had their best ever medal haul in Aquatics. He was also team leader for the British Team at the 2008 World Short Course Championships in Manchester again a successful event at which the British team again had their most successful WSC ever with number of medals won.

When commencing work with British Swimming it was in the post of National Youth Coach (directing the Age and Youth programmes for British Swimming) in February 2001 he was tasked with bringing through the new generation of British Swimmers through the Potential and Start programmes. He then worked across all programmes of British Swimming managing the operations of the Intensive Training Centre network and was responsible for the arrangement of national team camps and competitions.

During his time with British Swimming the junior team progressed at the European Junior Championships from winning 3 medals in 2001, 7 medals in 2002 to toping the medal table for the first ever time in 2003 with 20 medals (the highest ever medal tally for GBR in this event). In 2008 the British team won the EJC for the first time ever on Gold Medals returning from Belgrade with 10 Gold’s! The new generation of swimmers that came through the youth programmeare now making an impact with the senior British team (89% of the team at the 2008 Olympics came through the youth/junior programme).

Originally, from the UK John worked in Australia for 7 years. During that time he was involved in the Australian Swimming Youth programme, which Bill Sweetenham directed for Australian Swimming. Whilst in Australia John was involved in numerous national programmes. He was an Australian team coach to the 1997 Oceania championships, National event camps, National Youth camps and National Tip Top camps. In 1998 John was the head coach for the Australian National Tip Top camp.

John was the State Coaching Director for state of South Australia; he was responsible for the formation of a state-wide development programme, which catered for swimmers from age group to open level. He coordinated the SA women’s endurance program for 1998 and 1999. He was head coach for the South Australian State Team the Southern Bluefins who participated in the National Swimming League. John also had a coaching involvement with the South Australian Sports Institute swimming programme during his time in Adelaide. Whilst in South Australia the State finished in their best ever position at the 1998 Australian Age Swimming Championships finishing in third place, behind the much larger States of New South Wales and Queensland, with Victoria and Western Australia finishing behind the much smaller state of South Australia.

John had successful results with his swimmers guiding Elizabeth Aquatic, SA, to become highly ranked in National and State championships. John worked in Western Australia at Arena Joondalup, prior to returning to the UK, at Arena he established a new club when the new facility was completed in 2000. Arena grew to have the largest club membership in Western Australia in the short time that John was the head coach.

John has previously lectured at the LEN clinic at the European Juniors in 2009, the American Swim Coaches Conference, Australian Swim Coaches Conference, Spanish Swim Coaches Conference, FINA Clinics in India, Canadian conferences, the New Zealand Coaches conference and also at the British Swimming Coaches Conference. In 2003 John along with Bill Sweetenham were co authors on the book publication ‘Championship Swim Training’ published by Human Kinetics, which is available through and has sold in excess of 15000 copies worldwide.

John moved to work for the British Paralympic Swimming programme as the National Performance Director in May 2010 leading the team to the IPC World Swimming Championships in August this year, the team returned with 52 medals and with12 different individual world champions following this was 3 more than any other country.


• Dr. JUAN CARLOS MAZZA. Médico Deportólogo -Esp. Fisiología del Ejercicio -ARGENTINA.

Dr.EDGAR IVAN ORTIZ  Presidente FederaciónColombiana de Natación FECNA -COLOMBIA.

Lic. Victor Mario Maya Actual Entrenador del IDRD BOGOTA, Director Tecnico del Complejo Acuatico – COLOMBIA-ESPANA


Dr.CARLOS ALBERTOZULUAGA Ponente de la “Ley del Entrenador Deportivo”-COLOMBIA

Lic. NEBER ARIASEntrenador Nacional y actual Entrenador Liga de Antioquia-COLOMBIA.

Lic. SERGIO CASTAÑEDAEntrenador Escuela Militar de Cadetes General José  María Córdoba, Campeón Juegos Interescuelas último semestre Maestría Cultura Física UPTC – Tunja  2012 -COLOMBIA.

Lic. ALEJANDRA PEDRAZA Actual Entrenadora Universidad Sergio Arboleda, último semestre Maestría Cultura Física UPTC – Tunja

Lic. MAURICIO MORENOEntrenador y Profesor  Universidad de Cundinamarca- Fusa -COLOMBIA.

Lic.FABIO TOROEntrenador Nacional y actual EntrenadorLiga del Valle -COLOMBIA.

Sr.  ORLANDO CASALLAZ–Administrador de Empresas,Propietario firma Swimmer –  COLOMBIA

Lic. SERGIO VALIENTE Director TécnicoNacional FECNA -CUBA.

Lic. WILSON CHAPARROEntrenador Nacional y actual Entrenador Club los Buhos- COLOMBIA.

Lic. SERGIO ARISTIZABAL Entrenador Nacional y actual Entrenador Club Nautilius-COLOMBIA.

Lic.GERMAN ARANDAEntrenador Nacional de Triatlón-COLOMBIA.

Lic. CARLOS TRIANAEntrenador Nacional y actual Entrenador Liga Risaralda-COLOMBIA.






ACOLTEN. (Asociación Colombiana de Técnicos y Educadores de Natación.)














PAIS: Colombia

CIUDAD: Bogotá-Melgar

FECHA: del 20 al 23 de Septiembre del 2012.

LUGAR: CENTRO DE CONVENCIONES CAFAM MELGAR. El más grande y hermoso Centro de vacaciones deSudamérica. Ubicado a 105 km, a pocas horas de Bogotá y  también una excelente oportunidad para que las  familias de los entrenadores puedan disfrutar de un agradable y confortable descanso.


El evento incluye seis CoffeeBreak, tres Almuerzos y tres Cenas (SÓLO ALOJADOS EN EL HOTEL), estación de café, camiseta, memorias  y otras sorpresas.

Nota: El día 22 se hará la cena de gala, por favor traer ropa adecuada para la ocasión.



Lic Patricia Combita,


JeinerSanjuan. Profesional en Cultura Física y Deporte,

jeinersanjuan@gmail.comCel 3203445989

Lic. Jesus Ilvanover Restrepo S,

ilvanoverr@gmail.comTel. 4162912 Cel  3114802971.

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